Easy, quick lunch box ideas

The daily task of preparing lunch boxes, for your kids or for yourself, can be daunting, but there are some little tricks you can implement to save time and make wholesome, delicious and fulfilling combinations without getting bored or overwhelmed.

  • Include at least two portions of fruits and two portions of vegetables in your lunch boxes, that way you will make sure that you will eat at least half of your daily requirements of this important food groups. The FDA recommends at least  2 servings of fruits and 3 of vegetables for kids 2 to 6 years old, 4 servings of vegetables and 3 of fruits for older kids and females and 5 servings of vegetables plus 4 of fruits for boys, per day.* Try to include as many colors as you can each day.

  • Go for natural, unprocessed food whenever it is possible for you. Some cooking methods lessen the nutritional contents of our food. The same applies to ultra-processed products. If they have to be fortified, chances are, they are packed with chemicals. You won’t believe how much you will save in your grocery shopping when you start preferring more natural options.

  • Always have vegetables and fruits that don’t require lots of cleaning and prepping in your household: bananas, tangerines, mini carrots, cherry tomatoes, nectarines, apples, plums… make great options to grab and go.

  • Seasonal produce is not only cheaper, but it is also packed with more flavor and nutrition, buying them favors the inclusion of raw veggies and fruits in your lunch box.

  • Prep all the vegetables and fruits that need cutting and portioning as soon as you get them home, dry them well, take away seeds, cut them in portions and save them in the fridge… that way you are transforming them into a grab and go food.

  • If you are all about producing less waste, buy at least two sets of containers, that way you can prepare for two or more days at a time. When you wash and dry your fruits and vegetables at the same time, and place them in their closed containers you end up investing less time and have more control over what you eat.

  • Make a list of the proteins you and your family like to eat, then using that as a guide, prepare a menu: for example, if you like chicken and you are planning on making roasted chicken on Monday, you can have sauteed shredded chicken breast tacos the next day for your lunch box. If you are making minced meat for dinner, add some sauce and have sloppy joes the next day… freeze some, add tomato paste plus Italian spices and have spaghetti bolognese the following week. ANd it also works with grains and cereals: boil some chickpeas and make a stew, set some aside and make hummus for your lunch box! Make rice and mix the leftovers with petit pois, mushrooms, and corn, stir fry it with soy sauce and one egg, and voila… chinese style rice!

  • Make a list of all the presentation you like to have for your starches: sandwiches, quesadillas, tacos, pita pockets, chip - crunchy (croutons, corn chips), pasta, pure, crepes, pancakes… You can mix and match your list of proteins with your list of starches to create dishes.

  • Pack water as a main source of hydration. If you want to add flavor, you can use lemon juice or add some diced fruits, vegetables or herbs (tangerines, strawberries, oranges, limes, cucumbers, basil, mint… are favorites in my house).

Be adventurous, read cooking books, talk to your friends about menus and recipes, and don’t be afraid of tasting new flavor, texture and color combinations. Prepare your lunches as a family, ask your kids about their preferences, let them help, ask them to bring back what they don’t eat at school so you get to make adjustments, try new foods together…

* https://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2000/document/build.htm

Would you like to learn how to make a spread that tastes great, is very nutritious and easy?

Hummus recipe:


  • 1 cup and a ½ of cooked chickpeas or garbanzo beans (tender).

  • 2 tablespoons of tahini paste (sesame seed paste)

  • 1 medium lemon or lime (juice)

  • 1 or 2 roasted garlic clove (cooked until made a paste)

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil for consistency

  • Salt to taste

  • Cumin to taste (½ a teaspoon is what I recommend)

  • Sweet Smoked Paprika to decorate

Mix all the ingredients (but the paprika) in your food processor or blender until they mix well and become a cream without lumps, serve on a dip dish and sprinkle with paprika.

Enjoy with raw vegetables, pita bread, chips or in salads.