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Making Healthy Eating Easy


by Thais Naveda Luy

Wellness Designer

Consulting · Recipes · Tips · Healthy Lifestyle · Mindful Eating

National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

IIN Certified Health and Wellness coach

Hormonal Health - Gut Health- Emotional Eating

HearthMath Certified Practioner

ACE Behavioral Change certified

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Health Coach
and mother!

You want to give them the best… and I understand you

I’m Thais Naveda Luy, journalist and Health Coach certified by the most important Nutrition School in the world, the IIN in New York. And above all, I’M A MOTHER… and the main responsible for feeding my family of four. I strongly believe in food that is SIMPLE, NATURAL and free of artificial additives, as a tool to keep us healthy.

My day to day work (and yes, this task never ends) is to offer to my girls, my husband, and myself the best and healthier food. We consume the best quality “fuel”, because they DESERVE that I care, as I know that everything they put (or they fail to put) in their mouths is important.


Would you also like to feed your family with the best quality food? (But you not sure how to make it happen without expending a lot of time in the kitchen)

Are you so invested in your family’s well being so you COMMIT yourself to giving the best health to your family by using all of TNL’s tools, information, and tips? I have developed these taking into consideration FAMILIES SHORT ON TIME and with the determination of introducing SUSTAINABLE HEALTHY HABITS at home. ARE YOU DETERMINED?

If you’re really committed and determined, you have landed in the ideal place to initiate the change!
Keep on reading, as you’re extremely close to start a guided journey to change yours and your family’s life and health.

  What does TNL NUTRITION offer?

Ever since I started a family I have perfected SUSTAINABLE techniques to SAVE TIME AND ENHANCE OUR HEALTH. The most important aspect is to know how to do it, and have the determination to stick with the it.
— Thais Naveda Luy

I will HELP YOU with the HOW, and I will be your ally and guide. You can count on me when in doubt. To take you on your journey to BETTER HEALTH for YOU and YOUR FAMILY, I offer you:

  • A friendly and understanding ear

  • Key knowledge and ideas to help you plan your journey towards healthy eating


STEP BY STEP, from beginning to end…

I offer you an STEP BY STEP METHOD which has helped many other families to achieve the changes they have craved and weren’t able to achieve due to lack of knowledge, time, determination and support




Believe me, as a mother and part of a growing family, I understand that time is precious and limited. That’s why my objective is for YOU to become an expert when it comes to providing your family with the best food available without unnecessary complications.


My method is not about a “diet” or a short term plan, which after it finishes, becomes a distant memory. My mission is to progressively introduce new and healthier habits that are achievable and sustainable, so they become automatic. Similar to learning how to drive, at first you will have to think about everything and consider all the information available. After a while, you will be habituated to preparing and eating healthier food with ease!


We all have the best intentions and we crave a healthier life, however, due to lack of knowledge, advice and above all support, understanding and motivation, we abandon the path and fall prey to what seems easier to prepare: fast-food, snack with empty calories and processed foods… I will teach you options equally practical, nutritious and delicious!

It is all about INFORMATION, GOOD ADVICE and ORGANIZATION. Do you want to be healthier?

My method is a constant experiment looking for practical and varied nutritionally packed food.

Join me in this adventure and positively transform your eating habits. Be an example for your family, start these new habits with you! 

TNL Services

Allow me to empower YOU and be your ally

Discover all of the different TNL tools and services, filled with tips, tricks, hack and ideas digested and ready to be put into practice. Your will save hours and will gain health and overall wellbeing… Get in the driver’s seat of your health.

The main objective of all of my resources and tools is for healthy eating to become second nature in your life.
With my guidance, YOU can become an expert, bringing to your table colorful, varied and delicious dishes that all the family will enjoy, and without realizing it, the health of all the family will improve, with SMALL CHANGES that will BECOME HABITS that will help you save time and money down the road.


Level 1: free resources

Templates and Infographics that will help you choose better and healthier while grocery shopping, Blog Post directed to families looking to improve their eating habits, easy to read eBooks loaded with tips, healthy recipes, and more… Sign up to our mailing list and start enjoying your FREE RESOURCES NOW!


level 2: Online courses

Courses carefully designed to aide you, step by step, in the transformational process of improving your nutrition and health. On demand access to the materials and our exclusive TNL community: a support system of like minded people, looking for healthier living.

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NIVEL 3: custom plans with 1:1 consultation

Your unique situation and lifestyle are the basis of these services, which will help you achieve your objectives faster. I would love to get to know you and design a specific plan adapted to your needs. Shall we start?

Testimonials from people like YOU

The way we eat is so important and most of the time we don’t even realize it! I love that you share your passion with us, and give us so many tips and guidance to help us feel better about ourselves! Always looking forward to news and recipes from you.
— Noha, Toronto. Ontario
Thank you for all your advice, thanks to you I don’t suffer from constipation anymore. Your recommendations inspire me to have a healthier lifestyle and take better care of my body. You are simply the best
— Mariana N, Bellefontaine. OH
To get to know a very talented professional who shares her knowledge with everyone aiming to help a lot of people, that makes me proud! thank you for all your support, from me and my family.
— Mariana, Valencia. Venezuela
ThaisNL is simply the best in her field. She has helped me in different stages in my life, from before my first pregnancy, with my hypothyroidism, useful tips to feed my baby, and now during my transition to becoming vegan. For me she has been a positive and effective support.
— Magly, Houston.
You said that “Drastic changes normally are not long lasting” this is so true, and that is why after a drastic diet, what is left is frustration... Your recommendations are always realistic and flexible, so they can be adjusted to any lifestyle. I am looking forward to getting a better version of myself practicing all that I have learned from you.
— Ninoska, Montreal. Canada

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